Production and trade of quality seeds.
961 64 01 01
Polígono Industrial de Loriguilla Calle Nº2, esquina con Calle Nº5 46393 Loriguilla (VALENCIA)
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HOT pepper of the Troner type with fruits 1-2 x 10-14 cm and a very spicy placenta. Bright green color that turns intense red when fully ripe. The plant is tall, with good vigor, very early cycle, which is characterized by notable fertility, guaranteeing high productions far superior to common standard varieties. Suitable for spring-summer cultivation both outdoors and in a greenhouse. It has high resistance (HR) to Tobamovirus (Tm:0-3)
Production and trade of quality seeds.
961 64 01 01
Polígono Industrial de Loriguilla Calle Nº2, esquina con Calle Nº5 46393 Loriguilla (VALENCIA)