Production and trade of quality seeds.
961 64 01 01
Polígono Industrial de Loriguilla Calle Nº2, esquina con Calle Nº5 46393 Loriguilla (VALENCIA)
Showing the single result
WHITE HONEY melon with GREEN MARBLE, of DINO type. The fruit is oval, with weighs between 1.7-2 kg
on average, and with a very high brix. The flesh is of a greenish white color, crunchy. The extraordinary health of the plant stands out, unusual in this segment, associated with very good vigour.
Production and trade of quality seeds.
961 64 01 01
Polígono Industrial de Loriguilla Calle Nº2, esquina con Calle Nº5 46393 Loriguilla (VALENCIA)